Monday 23 May 2011

Ah, that'll be the chemo brain

See also: cialis | 

Of all the side effects, physical, visual, real or imagined, I'll take the one that turns me into a cute, ditzy idiot, since that always seems to be hugely advantageous for cute ditzy girls in life in general. Long before this most recent of sufferings, I suffered a very different kind. Four years of singledom. I am sure it was down to my floor-sweeping GCSE results, owning of own flat, and non-blondeness. I realise this is grossly unfair to many women, but I get my disillusional comforts where I can.

Luckily DadJokes overcame the extreme fear of being with a wildly intelligent and successful woman, but I always secretly envied those girly girls whose hair gleams and who are perfectly comfortable with their geographical knowledge of Britain: 'Ireland is an island, so that's how you know.' Cute right? It always seemed to work in my circle of friends anyway, I've even seen this character trait as a pre-requisite on Take Me Out.

So, I'm about ready to take advantage. Hair colour is not an issue for me right now, I can live under the guise of being a blonde (I should point out I'm not a pigmentist, some of my very best friends are blonde. And very clever, but not for the purposes of this post).

Next I welcome chemo brain, I thought it was a made up thing (not so, it has a proper name and everything! 'Mild Cognitive Impairment') I mused at how nice it would be to let a To Do list into my life. Little did I know this would be as necessary as breathing, and not nearly as easy. In essence, my brain has turned to jelly. At times it's funny, at times convenient (I'm pretty sure I can't get into trouble for missing deadlines at the moment). For other people I'm sure it's frustrating, Katie is not only picking up my slack at work, she has to keep a to do list for my to do list as well as her own. She really does this.

But mostly, quite funny. My proudest moment was telling my best friends boyfriend not to forget his viagra for our plans that night. Cute! I've made it! I meant caffeine pills or something to keep him awake, but you can see where the fog set in, aww. As I write this I'm having to Wikipedia words because I can't think of the right one. If that isn't cute and ditzy I don't know what is.

So once again, a happy bonus. Just like pregnant ladies can happily eat for two for a few months, I can embrace my dwindling brain cells. I can't be told off by Sacha in the chemo suite for rendering a brand new Sharps Box redundant by closing it completely, out of curiosity. I can't be held accountable for potentially ruining someone's holiday by warning them I went there and it was DISGUSTING, and I can't possibly be of sound mind enough to realise the potential in this situation for some tourettes-esque mischief. Did I just say that? That'll be the chemo brain...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Week Nine – The Bubble (288.2 lb)

Week Nine – The Bubble (288.2 lb)

Not too long ago I had inadvertently insulted a friend of mine. I was regaling him with tales of my absolutely la vida loca lately which has included some absolutely awesome sex, mind blowing drunken stupors, roof raising karaoke renditions of old Tracy Bonham songs, a few actually sweet and endearing dates and a couple of inebriated make out sessions with some dudes whose status of being drag queens and/or porn stars wasn’t realized until much later after I sobered up. My friend sat and listened with a curious look of a dam waiting to burst. I told him to just let me have it, say what he needs to say, "LET THE RIVER RUN!" He basically said that I have so much talent and that I could better use my time than acting like a frat boy on cheap cialis and that quite frankly I am a bit too old to be acting like a frat boy on cialis. My response was basically that everyone could technically better manage their time and work on their resume and that I felt that he was judging me by patronizing what I do on my free time. I went on to say that I don’t judge him on what he does on his free time and I don’t think it’s fair of him to judge me. The insult part, incidentally, was my raw and unedited description of his past time activities which I won’t repeat here but after repeating it in my head (and to my sister) it suddenly dawned on me… oh yeah, that was a little harsh. It didn’t help matters that later on in the evening when asked about my weight loss I confessed the truth and said I was starting to gain again and I was thinking of cutting back on some of my frat boy antics. He replied, “Oh no! You are not going to sit here and say that when you damn near cursed me out when I said the same exact thing earlier!” To my defense I’ll just say that I mentioned that I might be cutting back on some of my extracurricular activities to concentrate on other things. What my friend basically said was, “Breeze, it sounds like you are having just a ton of fun and having a really great time. Have you ever thought about… not doing that?” …which has a little different connotation.

Needless to say, I have been a tad bit out of control lately. I do have to say I get in these extended periods of bliss and I just grab them for all their worth. I have, however, been obsessed with… my life, the future, the reality of it. I don’t think anybody who has been around me lately would ever think that I have been in a perpetual state of existential thought (it’s hard to convey that while slovenly sucking some strange dude’s nipple in a bear bar during a beer bust) but the truth of the matter is that there is a palatable level of middle aged angst/desperation that by far fuels my “Animal House”-like actions. I recently went out on a date and this guy said, “You are most definitely single for a purpose. You are very sweet, you are very kind and you are very attractive. I can tell some of the people in this bar, the people here that you know, they like you. They like you like that. And you know it too. But you don’t want that do you?” I pled the 5th. I am consistently praying to couple up with somebody but, God also knows… me love me bachelordom. What I can tell you is that it is mucking up my weight loss process. I’m realizing that this is quite a solitary process. It’s great to have sponsors and buddies and the Weight Watchers meetings themselves are an invaluable tool to commonwealth and share your struggles but on a day to day basis… it’s just you and the refrigerator, you and the McDonald’s staring at you when you get off of work and are famished, you and the gym that you are making a million and one excuses to not go to… it’s just you. And I guess for me it’s a weird conundrum because… one of the main reasons why I am “acting out” lately is because I don’t want to be alone.  I am doing these wild and crazy things to get more people in my world and this weight loss process almost demands that you have a pretty stable bubble that should only accommodate just one.

Well somehow, some way, I dropped 1.8 lbs of weight that I put on lately. I’ve been trying to stay focused get back on track and still incorporate a little fun in the process. I’ve slowed down, just a little bit, trying to get some more sleep in my life. I’ve been getting in that bubble all by myself. But damn… how great it would be if somebody was there with me…

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